My First Convention Table

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In October 2023, for the first time I had a table booth at a convention. This event was called “Sablecon” and it’s their first time coming to Milwaukee Wisconsin. This is a startup convention that is trying to become bigger, so artist can show and sell their creations, such as comic books and illustrations to the public. I am writing to share my experience on what it felt like having a table.


This was not only my first time as a vendor, but other artists too. It was good to know that someone else is facing this experience new with me. The idea started with my brother telling me about this con, and he thought my work is good enough to be seen. We planned out on what I should have for the convention and gave me a deadline for the material to be ready.

I had art prints and a set of stickers to sell. My laptop had a video containing a small game I made with a few extra videos from my YouTube channel. I want to become a video game designer, so he suggests I should make something for people to see coming by. So, for two months I worked on the art prints, sticker, and creating the game project for Sablecon.

The Experience

Me and my cousin sharing a table displaying our artwork.

First, I can say this was different being on the other side, because I am always the one buying from vendors. I was nervous and shy but calm enough speaking to people, who checked out my table. My job felt like I had to explain what I am selling, and what was on my computer. Sometimes it was easy and at times it wasn’t because I think it came down to if the person was interested by looking or talking back to me.

It was wired because I felt both like a salesman, and not one. I wanted the customer to care enough, but don’t overdo it to bother them. In my mind, I knew I had to be fine with someone not buying anything from me or even come to my table. I was able to sell art and stickers and some people signed up to be on the Game-on Ken newsletter. My brother said I did a good job for my first time as a vendor.

What I Learned

One thing I learned is this was a non-stop job that you have to sit at your booth the entire time, until the event ends. Another was learning about how other vendors had set their tables and having business cards with QR codes. Managing money was new to me, especially using phone apps. The obvious is digital art sells more, and I am new creating art that way, because getting comfortable using a tablet takes time. I learned a new way around that, so I can try that method, until I get better with a tablet.

It was nice to see people liking my characters and saying my art looks good. I wish I did better explaining them because I really think more prints would have been sold. I liked showing my Unity 3d game project, and next time more of it will be done. I was learning the game engine again and made what I could for the deadline.

In The End

Collect the spheres to unlock the door.

Overall, I liked the convention, and it was interesting to talk to the other artist and seeing their artwork. I did this for the experience and learn how in person events worked as an entrepreneur. Because of that, I made the opportunity to attend Sablecon a big deal. The other reason is I want to make video games, and game devs have to present and show their games in public, talking to people. This was close to that, and eventually will happen someday.

To end this, I want to say thank you to the people who purchased drawings of my video game characters and enjoyed my projects on the laptop and checking out this website. I am planning to continue doing little projects to help me learn coding and creating the features you see in video games. I hope the for the next convention, I will have more characters done and stickers ready to sell.

Let’s talk and Learn about games

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