Game Notes

This page will have all of the game tips recorded from the home page. 

Play, Choose, and Learn

Tip Advice

Carefully look at a game you are playing to see what role interest you. If you like art choose an art position. If you like how everything functions and behaves, choose programming. If you like how features in a game work and coming up with ideas for a game, go for design. These sections can be more in depth because they all can be broken down into smaller parts.

Always Improve

Tip Advice

Once you find something for sure, practice and learn that role and be the best you can. This is important to know because you are up against the world for a job. If you want to work for a game company, you need to have a good portfolio of your work.

How to Learn a Software

Tip Advice

 A good way to start learning a software is doing tutorials and self-experimenting. I suggest learning what some of the tools do first before doing major tutorials. Once you know the basics, start doing big tutorials on how to create something.

Notes For Back-up

Notes can be really helpful when you are alone.

Tip Advice

Its always good to take notes when learning anything. This sounds weird, but when I was taking classes in college, no one, but me was taking notes. I believe its good to take notes because, there may come a time where you will need it later. I take notes when I learn a new software, in class, or read something online that is really helpful.

Props For Practice

3D models I made in Blender

Tip Advice

To practice improving at 3D Modeling, try to create everyday objects at your skill level. A good example is to look at objects at your house and try to create it in 3D. Make sure to create objects you can do on your own. Self-learning is a good way to improve and feels great when you have finished it without help . This tip is for someone who understand the tools and have done some modeling tutorials.

Game Engine UI

Unity 3D 5.3 Layout

Tip Advice

Learning a game engine’s menu and layout early as possible will help you in the long-run. The best way to do this is to practice and take time out in the engine to know the tools and the menu structure.

Software Organization

Kingdom Heart’s menus are really organized

Tip Advice

Its good to be organized in any software/program because working in one can get chaotic over time. A really good aid is creating folders and grouping them in locations.

Comments To The Rescue

Green Text are Comments

Tip Advice

Make sure to always leave comments in your code. Comments are really helpful because they help explain what a line of code means. The best part about it is coming back to a lot of code the next day and see comments, to help you not get confused.

Free Time To Practice

This tip can go with any hobby or profession.

Tip Advice

If you want to be successful in your gaming career, you need take the time out to practice on your skills.

One Subject At A Time

Me drawing eyes in my sketchbook

Tip Advice

If you want to become better at art, try to focus on one topic at a time. Examples are eyes, faces, and………hands. Trying to practice on everything at once will take a longer time to improve.

Creator Modes

A stage I made in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Stage Builder

Tip Advice

It’s good to play games that have a create your own modes for designers. Modes like this are level creators, world building games, or anything that let’s you create something that helps your experience in game design.

Designers Be Specific

Anna Shvets at Pexels

Tip Advice

A game designer should be good at explaining things and being detailed in communicating ideas. Designers have to explain there ideas to other members such as programmers and artist, to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Stay Motivated

Tip Advice

Find things that will keep you focused and inspired to continue the work. Sometimes projects can get hard and frustrating. Seeing things that motivates you can be uplifting and help you to strive and complete the task.