Game Hero Quest

Sunshine Coastline/ Ys Eight: Lacrimosa of Dana
Old Childhood Art

Game Hero Quest is my personal dream game project that I really want to create. This game has been a thought for many years. So far, this is a 3d action platformer-adventure game.  I am giving it more of thought the more knowledge I learn about video games. Maybe my dream can come true, but if changes have to happen, its okay. I have already made changes due to seeing independent games and the experience of working on games.

What Is It?

Game References

  • Name: Game Hero Quest
  • Developer: (No Name Yet)
  • Genre: Action/Adventure Platformer
  • Game Engine: (Unity 3D)
  • Reference: Kingdom Hearts, The Legend of Zelda, Jak and Daxter, Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana

In this 3D action platformer, you play as Ken Levels; an adolescence who likes adventure and tries to be a hero. You travel around his new home world (Rockell) seeking out the special gemstones that contains powerful substances. He meets new friends, and faces an old foe Ken has vengeance on thorough out the journey.


Explore in a third person game with combat and platforming. You Solve puzzles in areas through Rockell and take on quest to build your hero name.

I want the game to be simple and interesting with its gameplay, like Ocarina of Time and Kingdom Hearts. These old games are outdated now, but I like how simpler they feel compared to their newer games. I want to create Game Hero Quest to be like them, but I have to make it simpler because of my level of scope. A game I like that feels close and more modern is Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana.

Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana gameplay in action.

The main parts I want from all of these games are Zelda’s puzzle designs, Kingdom Hearts One’s platforming and world building, and Ys VIII’s combat and matching the theme with its gameplay in a creative way. For Jak and Daxter, I like the environments getting the player to make them feel real and the characters are presented really well.

Game Hero Quest Features

Here are the features that could be included in Game Hero Quest. Some of them are more optional than others.

Game Features

  • Combat
  • 3D Platforming
  • Puzzle Solving
  • Quest
  • Shop
  • Storyline
  • Few Collectables
  • Towns
  • Inventory
  • Gem and Geology world theme setting
  • Play as two characters

Game Work

(Characters of Game Hero Quest)

All characters are getting redesigned to make them more interesting and feel realistic. I am creating new characters and coming with more ideas to the world’s theme.