Extreme Exterminators

Abysmal Ninja (2014- 2019)

In the MATC Milwuakee Computer Simulation and Gaming program,  the class had to come up with an idea for a video game. The class was built to get students prepared for the career of game developement. The experience was exactly what the course promised, in having a real game developing experience in dealing with a team, and the process of making a game.

In the last year before the class ended, the team had to make a decision to stop continuing on the game or try to be a game company outside of school. Our team chose to keep making it. Our company name is Abysmal Ninja and Extreme Exterminators was the first game project.

EE Title Art

Extreme Exterminators (2014-2018)

  • Name: Extreme Exterminators
  • Developer: Abysmal Ninja
  • Genre: Top-Down, Action, Shooter
  • Game Engine: (Unity 3D)
  • Reference: SMASH TV

Extreme Exterminators (EE) had made changes through the years due to team downsizing.  When we started in class there was many of us,  until we started to be a real start up company (LLC), then more and more members left. By the time of 2016 came, there was only about six of us left. So here is the Extreme Exterminators game and what I have done for the project.

1st Idea

Extreme Exterminators  was a top-down twin stick action shooter game, where you play as Cole and his team called the Extreme Exterminators. There goal was to shoot down giant bugs that grew from beacons throughout the city created from a scientist  (Xavier Mikalson).  Play as Cole (green), Cherry (red), Hammer (blue), and Rook (yellow) with each having their own special ability.

Gameplay Video

My Part

My role for this game was many because certain job positions had less members.  My main role was a level designer, but I did concept art, UI design, design documents, and props for the environment.

Extreme Exterminators Level Design

Other Roles

I designed tool ideas for the programmers to create them in the engine. They were made to help development go faster, dealing with spawning locations, map placement, and changing enemy and weapon stats.

Engine Tools and Status Effect Designs

2nd Idea

Our change went from a top-down shooter to a platformer shooter. Due to the team downsize and skill level, we had to change the idea into a new sub genre and adapt. The appearance changed from 3d models to pixelated art. My job during this was level design also and art. 

Reference: Contra, Megaman

2nd Idea Levels and Props

What I learned from AN?

My experience from being a member at Abysmal Ninja was a good experience. I learned so much on video game creation and the amount of work it takes. The first thing I got from this and the school program was you have to be committed to do the work and want to keep doing the work. Creating a game feels like a long journey that has its ups and downs.

The good is learning, having fun, game ideas, and sometimes play testing. The bad is getting stressed, balancing the time with life, bad communication moments, cost, and many more. I learned getting task done on time is really important, especially with a team. Productivity goes better when everyone does their part and communication helps task get done faster, keeping the team up to date on things, and knowing what others are working on. There are other things I learned, but that can be talked in my blog posts.

In spite of all the harsh things about it, I learned a lot from Abysmal and liked working on the game. I wished our team did not break apart from leaving school. Staying gave me more experience and knowledge on many things, such as getting into audio and doing pixel art for the first time. I don’t know what happened to everyone (I hope they are fine), but I know if you want to make games, you really want the desire to make them and enjoy the work.