
Recent Projects (Coming Soon)

Explore the projects I made to help me learn features in video games. These projects are used for experience and understanding the creation of games in a game engine.

Latest Post

Here is the newest post I have made so far in my blog discussions. They are labeled as News, Advice, Game Lesson, Game Subject, Personal and Other on video game related topics.

YouTube Videos

These are the most recent videos for my playlist ideas on the Game-On Ken YouTube Channel.

Playing as Princesses to finish Wave 4
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Animation Short 2 (Class Lesson)
Ready for battle and for business, team AT&DE (attack and defense)
Floating Island stage is a mini-game inside Smash Brothers

About Me

(Kenneth McClendon)

I am someone who likes video games and wants to learn how to make them myself. My goal is to become a game designer in Milwaukee Wisconsin, where the job title is really limited. To see my profile and the skills I learned, check the Know More button.


My work experience is broken into different segments, such as schoolwork, gaming projects, and personal work. 

Game Hero Quest

Go on an adventure in this 3d platformer as Ken levels to retrieve the elemental Jewels before his enemy Lamar, while striving to become a hero.

Extreme Exterminators (2014-2018)

This is a school project that became a big focus towards working outside of school. This was one of my closest real game experiences yet.

School Projects

My experience at MATC have gave me a chance to try different gaming roles. So far, all of my work has been done in the Unity 3d engine. Here are a few projects.

Tip Bits

(Play many Games)

October 15, 2024

Tip Advice

As someone who wants to work on games, playing video games can help you understand terms, design ideas, and useful for examples to explain to the team. Maybe you want a feature and have to look at some games to help get ideas on what your looking for and how to create it.